Au-Shine Tyre Draws Crowds at Russian Rubber and Tire Exhibition

Moscow, Russia – April 15-18, 2024:

Au-Shine Tyre’s booth at the Russian Rubber and Tire Exhibition in Moscow proved to be a magnet for visitors, attracting a substantial crowd. Among the showcased products, the winter tires of the ZETA and PACE brands garnered particular attention.
Renowned for its commitment to innovation and quality, Au-Shine Tyre showcased a diverse range of tire products aimed at meeting the varied demands of consumers.
Expressing excitement at the overwhelming response received at the exhibition, Lucia, CEO of Au-Shine Tyre, remarked, “We are thrilled by the enthusiastic reception at the Russian Rubber and Tire Exhibition. The visitors’ keen interest highlights the strength and appeal of our ZETA and PACE brands.”


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